Samodzielne TK hiren też tak robię, ale akurat w tym combie wygodniej mi robić 8214B, sprawa preferencji. I przyznam, nagłe TK hiren z zaskoczenia przydaje się, tak samo hiren rc i kontynuowanie combosa. Dlatego lubię oglądać walki ADON'a/UDON'a, robi często niestandardowe, ale skuteczne akcje.
Dlatego też wieść że w EX znaleźli nowe zastosowanie 214B bardzo mnie uradowała, ten cios był dosyć niedoceniany póki co (podobno nawet w CS1 był TK loop)
EDIT - chyba najlepsze porady do loopa jakie póki co znalazłem, z DL:
"I think the most important visual cues are 'traces' and the position of the character you're hitting. I believe I've said this before, but every C move that Hazama has (besides 6C) has a 'trace' to it. It's mostly just for flare, but if you wait until these 'traces' disappear before your next move comes out, I guarantee you'll be getting the timing right. Also, by the time you input 2C after 5C, the opposing character should be airborne at about the height of Hazama's neck/shoulders. While doing 2C, you can advance input 9214 (I do it 963214 just to make sure I input the 2 correctly. It should feel like you're making a 'J' with the stick) and as soon as the 'trace' of 2C disappears, press B while holding back. As for connecting 5C after j.214B, just watch your landing. And for the dash, if you input it just as you land or a few frames after and then press C, it should come out right. Really, the loop is all about patience. Nothing about the loop is too particularly fast, so as long as you pay attention, you should get the timing down in no time at all. "