Z drugiego loketestu:
- 5B -> 6A is back.
- 5C, 2C -> 6A added.
- Ground Gauntlet can be followed up.
- Blood Kain -> 6D 6D possible.
- 6A weaker (less range, etc.).
- 2C slower.
- 2D doesn't break primers.
- 5D much faster, comboable from 5C.
- C Silencer lifts higher, easier to combo from longer distances, harder for longer combos. Added in same-move proration.
- Barrel even faster.
- 6A hits crouchers.
- 5C jump cancelable on block.
- Some Chain Revolver parts faster.
- Hitting with Bloom Trigger on standing opponent will slide them.
- 5D slower.
- Spring Raid hits to edge of screen, can't follow up unless in corner. Does less damage overall.
- Pumpkin much faster, can head to edge of screen in an instant. Still disappears on hit.
- Tempest Lobelia buffed, much faster. Can actually combo from 5B.
- 5CC sliding has more untech time.
- Wind recovery starts out extremely slow, but once it starts, will recover fast.
- 6A back to CS version (as opposed to the CT version they switched back on the previous loctest. NOPE).
- 6B slower, but will combo into 5B on all crouching characters.
- Cat Spirit 2 causes sliding.
- New jB hits mid instead of overhead now (old jB is now j2B).
- Can't cancel into Cat Spirit 2 from jD moves.
- 6C causes slide, can't combo unless in corner (Seems fatal 2C 6C will still wallbounce? No tauntloops either way.)
- You must change up which jDs you use or you'll stop and fall in the middle of your combo.
- j2D stronger, heads downwards more, harder to combo with.
- No 6C to Almost Becoming Two combos.
- Charge changed to 214D.
- Magnetism pull stronger.
- 6[A] pulls in during hold.
- A Driver combos into Gadget.
- Sledge followup faster and moves him forward.
- dunnolol
- Furinkazan ground movement is shorter.
- Anima has super armor, flashes red when hit.
- 3C hits downed enemy towards you. Can combo afterwards.
- 8D breaks primer, air blockable, interruptable.
- 4B faster, less recovery.
- Sickle faster, less recovery, hits 6 times.
- 214 moves changed to stun instead. CH is pretty long.
- Throw throws higher, harder to combo.
- 5B 3C 214D~C doesn't connect anymore. Might be replaced with 5B 3C 214D~B since 3C lifts higher now?
- Chain doesn't replenish gauge on block.
- Grab no longer followable by 6C or 214D.
- Charge puts her in CH-able state.
- j236A faster, knocks upwards, actually usuable in combos.
- All C moves are faster.
- Backthrow has less recovery, can combo afterwards in the corner.
- 3C -> 3C doesn't combo.
- Can't followup after 5D, jD, 6D.
- Renka changed to 236B. Wallbounces, can followup with 6C.
- Hotaru wallbounces, can followup with 6C.
- Enma lifts higher, harder to combo.
- Tsubaki slides, can only followup in corner.
- Changed to 5 primers.
- Slower magatama recovery.
- 6B damage increased.
- 623A cancelable during movement.
- MUGEN: after gauge depletes, will not increase for at least 6 seconds.
- Yukikaze: will only show superflash after a successful counter. Gauge depletes on use either way. AH still has superflash. (Was this in the first loketest? Not sure.)
- nope
- D bug falls faster, deals less damage.
- 4D moves her backwards, harder to combo.
- Throw can't combo into 6A, can followup with 2D.
Mam nadzieję że jak Hazamie nie przywrócą 3C 214D~C w następnym loketeście (kolejne w przyszłe dwa weekendy podobno) to chociaż 3C 214D~B 5D będzie nietechowalne. Przynajmniej po Houtenjinie nadal ma silne comba.