Autor Wątek: Hazama - Zmiany w BBCS2  (Przeczytany 1819 razy)


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Hazama - Zmiany w BBCS2
« dnia: Grudzień 11, 2010, 22:29:12 »
- 5B: Air unblockable
- 5C: Air unblockable. 5C (1st hit) > 6C works
- 6C: once air hit, the knife binds you to the ground for long a while
- 3C:  Can combo into 214DC and 5C once counter hit. (near corner) 3C > jabaki > 5DD > JC > 5C > 2C> 4D > aerial combo works.
- JC: only first 2 hits are jump cancellable.
- All D moves: have same move proration. Ouroboros moves a way faster than CS1. DA cancel is a way faster too. 5A>5C>4DA combo works smoothly. 1 stock recovers once guard, 2 stocks recover once hit..
- Throw: can’t do any follow up combo unless at the corner. At the corner, you can combo with 5C, jabaki, and houtenjin.
- Air Throw: has wider throw range in accordance with system change. Does ground bounce on hit. You can do follow up combo even if you don’t do J2D
- 236C: you get 5% meter once hit.
- Misc Stuffs:
1. (you’re cornered) jabaki > 5C (1st hit)> 6C > 5C > 2C > blah blah combo works.
2. 3C counter hit, 214DC, 214DB counter, 6C can lead to the aerial combo at the field.
3. But 3C counter hit happens quite a lot.. if you begin the combo with 3C counter or jabaki, you can expect 3500 damage with no gauge
4. 6DA > 6DA > 6DD still works but trash due to the same move proration.
5. Houtenjin is still very strong move
6. Majority of people claims Hazama will be at the high tier with strengthened zoning.
Less + frames
Air Unblockable
Air Unblockable
level increased, standing hit 2B>3C works
2B>5B gatling added (may be the other way around), cannot 2B>5B>2B
2C>5C gatling added, cannot 2C<5C<2C
hit cause float, can tech in the air. can still ressenga and jabaki combo
Counter hit can link into zeneiga (up to 4DA>4DD confirmed)
Air hit cause knockdown
Air hit cause knockdown/bind (Not sure if there is a difference)
Hit gains 9% meter

cannot jump cancel from hit 3-5
hit 5 has slight horizontal blow back

cannot cancel, cannot air tech
damage increased to 1400

back throw
cannot cancel, cannot air tech
damage increased to 1400

air throw
ground bounce to height where throw occured.
can combo without j2D movement.

5B instead of 5C

damage decreased
untech time decreased
extends faster
same direction has same move proration
a cancel has less recovery


regular hit cause sliding (I think)
Near corner will wall bounce and can follow with 5B/5C

Hit cause draw in (I think), more follow-up frames.

Cannot follow-up unless power-up version
Air hit cause down, from 3C is tight gatling+ advantage frame.
Power-up version has extended distance (character movement I believe)

Less additional frames?

hit adds 5 meter

same move proration
- Throw: Still unable to cancel to anything but after Throw > 632146C works after you recover.
- 3C > Ressenga > Astral Finish works
- D moves: same move proration only applies to same direction. 6D > 6D > 623 D has same move proration but 4D > 6D > 623 D does not.
- 5A (air hit ) > 5C > 4DD > JB > JCC > jc > JCCCCC > J214B damage is about 1500. If you use 4DA > 4DD instead of 4DD, damage is about 1200.
- 5B > 5C > Jayoku > (back-step) > 6D > Jakou > Dash 3C > Jabaki works. For some circumstance, you may be able to connect 5DD after Jabaki and do additional combo.

Ogólnie wbrew wcześniejszym obawom Naczelny Troll BlazBlue za bardzo się nie zmienił. 3C na CH często wchodzi, więc strata B>3C>Zeneiga nie jest tragedią. Prorate na łańcuchach jest tylko przy tym samym kierunku, więc na upartego zmieni się kierunki, a i tak jeden łańcuch wystarczy. Zamiast tego większa prędkość (szczególnie cancelowania A, wraca tak szybko że wydaje się jakby zniknął) ulepszyła zoning. Jabaki (236D) w końcu się przydaje. Zamiast podwójnego Houtenjina mamy po 623D dash 3C>Jabaki (wall)>5C. Haz nadal będzie wysoko, a nowości dadzą mu większą różnorodność w combosach. Liczę że dostaniemy na konsole tą łatkę "balansującą".

Na koniec nieco combosów:

B>2B>C>(2C)>3C>214DA or 236D

B>3C>236D>5DD>JC>land 5C>2C>4DD>JB>JCx2>JCx5>J214B

Corner basic:

mid: 214DC>6C>dash5C>2C>6DA>4DD>JB>JCx2>JCx5>J214B
corner: 214DC>6C>dash3C>236D>5C>2C>4DD>JCx5>J214B

Jyayoku: does around 4.5k-5k
mid: Jyayoku>dash214DC>6C>dash5C>2C>6DA>4DD>JB>JCx2>JCx 5>J214B
facing corner: Jyayoku>214DC>6C>dash3C>236D>5C>2C>4DD>JCx5>J214B
back to corner: Jyayoku>6DA>4DA>623D>5C>6C>dash3C>236D>5C>2C>HJCx5 >J214B

100% meter:
C>jyayoku>214DC>6C>dash5C>2C>6DA>4DA>623D>mizuchi 6k sth
C>jyayoku>214DC>6C>dash3C>Jyayoku>4DD>JCx5>J214B 5.5k

4throw(to mid-screen)>J6DD>5C>2C>4DD>JB>JCx2>JCx5>J214B character specific
throw>Jyayoku corner only
4throw>zeneiga (corner)
« Ostatnia zmiana: Grudzień 14, 2010, 00:46:22 wysłana przez Kamikaze17 »
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