Znalazłem to na oficialnym forum Blazblue, proszę się zastanowić przed przeczytaniem ponieważ zawiera fabularne spoilery.
At the end of BBCS, the true ending, Saya was reviled to be the Imperitor. Now, look. In BBCS, Tsubaki, Hazama, Makoto, Valkenhyne and Platina all were in the first game, and are now playable characters in the sequel. Save Jubei, All of the characters who weren't playable in the first game, are now. The only characters left that are left, are Jubei and Kokonoe. New addition to BBCS is relius. If the past repeats itself, I think it would be save to say that in BB3 Jubei, Kokonoe and Relius will all be playable. Maybe Nine, and her younger sister as well. Jubei, Kokonoe, Relius, Nine, Nine's younger sister - Tsubaki, Hazama, Makoto, Valkenhyne, Platina (And lambda, if you count her). Look familiar? Five characters, just like before.
Może jednak jest szansa na grywalną Kokonoe