Gamertag Radio captured Capcom's Seth Killian for a Super Street Fighter 4 interview. There isn't anything that's going to blow you away in this podcast, but Killian goes over a few details that have just recently come into the spotlight.The piece gets underway about 32 minutes in. Here's a short recap of some of the notable stuff.? Super Street Fighter 4 has more flexibility for future downloadable content than Street Fighter 4 had, although there are no plans for any extras besides the costumes and tournament DLC which has been known for months.? The game could be rebalanced via patches, but Seth is confident in the balance, but he said you never know.? He also touches on the process of transitioning the Third Strike characters into Super Street Fighter 4.? If the franchise moves forward again, expect more characters in the next iteration.
No nie tylko, w KOFach też tak jest. No i w tekkenie jest taki tryb ;]
No ok, ale skoro mówimy o SF, to po co pisałeś "takie rzeczy to tylko w ...VS..."? Cross over'y to nie części street fighter'a.
Jeszcze nic pewnego ale chodzą głosy iż bonusem za posiadanie oryginalnego SFIV na konsoli będzie....11 i 12 kolor dla postaci
Marvel vs Street FighterX-Men vs Street Fighter, jak dla mnie to są też SFy dlatego tak napisałem
To pewnie Street Fighter 2010 też...
Mi obecna okładka nie przeszkadza. Nie to co historyczny crap