- Dlaczego wszyscy w wiosce klanu Manji noszą maski?
- Żeby nie wydało się, że większość dzieci ma jednego ojca.
- Yoshi, you fought very well!
- It's all in the wrist...
Yoshimitsu got seriously wounded after he lost his left hand and were in coma for a couple of weeks. Dr Boskonovitch was with him all the time and took care after him. One day Yoshimitsu woke up and whispered something. Doctor came closer to hear what he's talking:
- My friend, you were with me during all these bad days...
... when I ran out of money, you were with me...
... as I fought with Kunimitsu, you supported me...
... as the Jack 2 attacked me, you helped me...
... when I failed to rob Akihabara Base and lost my arm: you helped me...
you know what?
- Nie masz pada? To wypad

(by Robson)