Autor Wątek: Format turniejowy TTT2  (Przeczytany 4346 razy)


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Format turniejowy TTT2
« dnia: Styczeń 27, 2013, 19:35:05 »
Nie wiedzialem gdzie to wrzucic, wiec wrzucam tutaj.

Mały apel od KOR-a

Cytat: KOR
Why I feel Tekken Tag Tournament 2 should be changed to a 3/5 Tournament Standard, Just like UMVC3.

Just like every game out there, players put their heart into practicing, their money into traveling, and their time into becoming the best; as a competitive gamer there is nothing more than I would like is to see a return on the time I put into gaming.

That return is simple, winning.  I can speak for the FGC when I say, it surely is disheartening to travel 5 miles to over 1000 miles, pay to enter a tournament and then lose in the most non-gratifying way as possible. 

This change to a better format will yield more players to attend tournaments and events, the love for the game and the urge to compete and become the best is leveled fairly and not heavily favored in an unfavorable play style.

For those who may believe that is a plea or an excuse of top players for losing, you’re wrong.  I’ve been to several TTT2 majors, gotten this opinion from novice to intermediate to top players, spoken to international players, and have studied the game in and out.  This opinion is strong within our community, I have been playing for over 7 years and no Tekken in the past has needed this change until now.

I feel tournament organizers should implement 3/5 games as a tournament standard for TTT2.  My reasons are the following:

    Tekken has always had smaller turnouts in numbers in comparison to that of UMVC3 and SF4 AE, and even other Capcom and Namco games.  The 3/5 game standard would not run longer than any other 2D game [even when run at 2/3].
    Surely the rounds are 80 seconds, and could last a long time, but also can be found on the other end of the spectrum with matches running by so fast.  The 3 games can be over with as little as 9 full combos and a mix-up.
    Combo damage is just too high in TTT2, as simple as a couple of hits and then one launch to Tag Assault and then wall combo can be the end of the round (without being able to even hit the tag button), and with more moves leading to a combo potential- Tekken players know this, and when it does happen, you know you never lost to the player, but to the game.  This is not what it means to be competitive fighting pro gamer.
    The momentum of the game can shift so fast, away from you, just like UMVC3.  it’s not about option selection like Street Fighter, there is not ONE clear cut answer to every situation, there are several.  A player who plays without fear, calculation or knowledge is in a complete gamble of his win, it could work out for him or it could completely throw him into a loss; the other competitor is playing extremely cautious because of knowledge and calculation but falls to a launcher and loses a round, having to play catch up with the life.  Tekken was never this risky, and even with two characters, the risk factor is weighted heavily on the player who plays without fear, knowledge and calculation.
    Tekken is a game of calculation, adaptation, sometimes taking necessary risk without much reward, and taking unnecessary risk for much reward.  Some call it the chess of fighting games.  I think a game with such an element of intellect should be played at a set which displays the finer talent of the competitors rather than who can find openings for a launch.
    We want the scene to grow and 2/3 game format is killing off our established players, which in turn, is slowly diminishing the amount of new players to step in the scene.  Established players know how to play, and when they lose in such a manor, their morale to continue on falls strongly.  We need our players to feel they were not cheated out of a win.
    Tournament organizers should want a 3/5 tournament format for Tekken.  You have better matches, more rewarded victories, you have players coming back for a taste of vengeance rather than players who feel that the state of the game is not worth their time.

I honestly feel just like how tournaments like Major League Gaming, Kumite in Tennessee [KIT] who have implemented a 3/5 tournament standard for Tekken Tag 2, more tournaments would be worth attending.  It is a law of statistics though that smaller sets will be more random.

We can pay to travel and join with the peace of mind that we will lose because we didn’t adapt in time, not because we lost to the game system, and walk away with knowing why I lost, and how to come back stronger.

Let’s try to keep the scene alive, get more players to attend and play a fair game.  Let’s make our tournaments more exciting where the strongest players will make it to the end and the perpetual valor to continue traveling and become the best in this competitive game a force.


KOR and the Tekken Community

Pytanie czy KOR faktycznie ma racje. Jak dla mnie nie do konca. Przypadlosci o ktorych wspomina (1 combo + sciana=runda), bylo juz w T6, a TTT2 daje nam wiecej mozliwosci ucieczki z takich sytuacji. Sam nie wiem jak sie do tego odniesc. Fajnie byloby faktycznie grac tury na formacie 3/5. Ale bez odpowiedniej organizacji i mentalnosci, nie ma zadnych szans na to aby rozegrac sprawnie turniej. W Łodzi mielismy przyklad tego, ze mimo sprawnej organizacji i tak turniej trwal dosc dlugo jak na 2/3.


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Odp: Format turniejowy TTT2
« Odpowiedź #1 dnia: Styczeń 27, 2013, 20:50:22 »
Jeśli grać 3/5 no to chyba tylko na 2 rundy.
Moje pięści krwawią śmiercią!


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Odp: Format turniejowy TTT2
« Odpowiedź #2 dnia: Styczeń 27, 2013, 21:00:59 »
Grać 3/5 do trzech wygranych walk, spinać dupsko i DQ'ować ludzi po trzech wywołaniach, bez litości. Recepta na sukces. :swag:


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Odp: Format turniejowy TTT2
« Odpowiedź #3 dnia: Styczeń 27, 2013, 23:05:25 »
Kor to noobek, w T6 był dobry ale w TTT2 nic specjalnego nie pokazuje. Koreańcy grają 2/3 SE i jakoś nikt na random nie narzeka.

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Odp: Format turniejowy TTT2
« Odpowiedź #4 dnia: Styczeń 28, 2013, 00:59:39 »
no jakos głos koreancow nie dociera do polski  :plaza:
"Są Ci co są pro i są Ci co tworzą scenę"
"That's why you try to measure gambling by the numbers you shit out of your head."


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Odp: Format turniejowy TTT2
« Odpowiedź #5 dnia: Styczeń 28, 2013, 01:15:08 »
No zapomnialem dodac w pierwszym poscie, ze brakuje tam uwzglednienia zdania graczy koreanskich. "Internacional" to dla nich pewnie gracze z east coast  :kappa:.


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Odp: Format turniejowy TTT2
« Odpowiedź #6 dnia: Styczeń 28, 2013, 14:09:06 »
W jednym ma chłopak (KOR) racje:
Jedziesz ileśtam km-ów na turniej i trafiasz na gracza X, co po jab'ie na blok (+1) robi np. hopkicka, no i siłą rzeczy fruniesz za 1/2 do 3/5 paska. W tym układzie wuj Ci z karania go przez 50sek. rundy za janki na -10, -12, skoro w 5sek. odbiera Ci więcej hopkickiem z dupy. A co jak wspomniany gracz X naumie się doprowadzać do 50/50 po jugglu/wall?

Kto śmiga na turnieje, ten wie ilu jest na naszej scenie ludzi tak grających.
Nie oceniam ich negatywnie, baaa nawet się im nie dziwie bo styl "cokolwiek, byle do przodu" zwyczajnie się opłaca w aktualnym formacie rozgrywek.


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Odp: Format turniejowy TTT2
« Odpowiedź #7 dnia: Styczeń 29, 2013, 08:56:13 »
Uważam, że turnieje w Polsce w większości sensownie prowadzone. Zawsze gramy DE a BestOf jest zależny od czasu. Ważniejsze walki są już BO5 a finały BO9.
Niech mi nie mówi jak mam żyć!
W Polsce nie chodzi o kmy tylko o to jak rzadko są turnieje i jak rzadko można się zaprezentować XD


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Odp: Format turniejowy TTT2
« Odpowiedź #8 dnia: Styczeń 29, 2013, 20:50:26 »