Turnieje, zloty, spotkania / Odp: Bursa XX - The Ride Never Ends [Włocławek, 31 III - 02 IV 2017]
« dnia: Marzec 17, 2017, 12:35:16 »WHERE'S
Ta sekcja pozwala Ci zobaczyć wszystkie wiadomości wysłane przez tego użytkownika. Zwróć uwagę, że możesz widzieć tylko wiadomości wysłane w działach do których masz aktualnie dostęp.
I've got a question.
Is Marvel only team tournament, or there will be solo?
Seriously Hayat, wtf is your deal? You speak as if I have never won a well-attended tournament in my country. Well, I have, have you? Should I not take part in this tournament because there were no other top players participating or what? ;] I've never said it was a major win or anything, so there is no need for being sarcastic.
Shout outs to random inputs. <3
How did you like my major top 3 random Blanka Ultras?