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Wiadomości - jorrdqn

Strony: [1] 2 3 4
BlazBlue: CS / CP / Odp: Continuum Shift - temat ogólny
« dnia: Sierpień 11, 2011, 20:49:43  »

Valkenhayn / Odp: Valkenhayn Valkenhayn VALKENHAYN!
« dnia: Wrzesień 29, 2010, 20:04:00  »
Pogralem troche tym Valkenem i musze powiedziec ze porzucam Tao :)

Ultra Street Fighter IV / Odp: Lista Graczy Danymi postaciami Online w SSF4
« dnia: Wrzesień 27, 2010, 22:32:02  »

Ultra Street Fighter IV / Odp: SSF4 dyskusja ogólna
« dnia: Wrzesień 18, 2010, 08:54:59  »

Yun ma strasznie wolny jump D: No ale i tak Yang to moj main :|

Ultra Street Fighter IV / Odp: SSF4 dyskusja ogólna
« dnia: Wrzesień 12, 2010, 13:34:43  »
Juz tylko R.mika uratuje ta gre :f

Ultra Street Fighter IV / Odp: SSF4 dyskusja ogólna
« dnia: Wrzesień 11, 2010, 10:39:38  »
Ale TKCS nie sa sie spamowac :0 jab>tkcs

Ultra Street Fighter IV / Odp: SSF4 dyskusja ogólna
« dnia: Wrzesień 11, 2010, 09:53:15  »
Co tam Blanka...
but Tiger Knee (instant) Canon Strikes are no longer possible.

Najpierw BB teraz SUPER D:

BlazBlue: CS / CP / Odp: Continuum Shift - temat ogólny
« dnia: Wrzesień 09, 2010, 21:59:12  »
Chodzi mi o to ze combosy zabieraja okolo 2500 dmg, wiec troche daleko to racher tier D:

BlazBlue: CS / CP / Odp: Continuum Shift - temat ogólny
« dnia: Wrzesień 09, 2010, 21:38:25  »
co do tego co na dustlopie napisales..
I mean, if she's going to loose her Tauntloop then she has, ummm, no damaging tools anymore and will become the new Rachel?
Wyf? Robiles jej triale? Przeciez jej comba zabieraja normalnie ca 3500 dmg :|

BlazBlue: CS / CP / Odp: Continuum Shift - temat ogólny
« dnia: Wrzesień 09, 2010, 18:58:28  »

Podoba mi sie buff Rachel =D

BlazBlue: CS / CP / Odp: Continuum Shift - temat ogólny
« dnia: Wrzesień 09, 2010, 18:37:19  »
Potwierdzono, że Platinum będzie odpowiednikiem Fausta
Gdzie to potwierdzono?

Z dutloopa

5D on grounded opponents no longer floats
3C is techable
5B>6A gattling is gone
Inferno Divider no longer has wall bounce
Belial edge doesn't bounce as high any more (can still follow up with a quick 5D)

2C>5C gattling added (cannot re-input 2C)
B musou knocks down again

2C>5C gattling added (cannot re-input 2C)
j4D is damn fast. As if you can't see her falling from the air.
5D reduced invincibility frames

Overall damage increased
5B>2B gattling added
6A activation speed increased
6B on counter slides
6B jump cancel possible on block
2C hit stop increased
5C>C now slides. Mid screen C lobelia>3D> Sword iris/BBL combos. In corner 5C>C>3C can be done for 2 loops.
j2C can be canceled into attacks on landing
Lobeilas come out even when hit
George has been changed (there's a frog gauge now)
Tempest dahlia? what the heck is that? [i think he means it's been removed]

Nothing known.
something about his collider mechanics being revised

new jB, cat motion 2's animation for 2 hits
old jB is now j2B
taunt loop's been nerfed bad. it's now a joke.
drives are more stiff(?), increased hit stop.
health increase [i think.]

overall damage decreased
guarded drive moves give less curse meter

more gattlings without staff
6A with staff must be RC otherwise no followups available
4D slides. follow up possible in corner
6D's level(?) decreased. [maybe priority?]
jC without staff is now techable

5B slower start up
2B slower start up
2B>5B gattling added. (cannot reinput 2B)
heavenly phoenix thrust no longer wall bounces for both air and ground
3C is techable
ashura slower start up, no more invincibility frames, has become a joke DD

2B>5B gattling added cannot re-input 2B)
ada's gauge recovers slower

jD cannot be followed up
5D increased damage
[something about his yukikaze.]
other than that don't know much

5DD activation slowed
blade summonings are slower

5D instantly gives 1 stock, but holding down D gives a slightly slower charge speed
2D starts out slow but the charge speed rapidly increases. Also more stiff now.
jD charge speed increased
5B more strong
2BB>5BB gattlings added (Cannot re-input 2BB)
236A start up time increased, if comboed into cannot be follow up [i think.]
214A, B doesn't float opponent even when done by itself
623A on counter hit, untechable time decreased so cannot follow up
cannot cancel into any move from throw, throw slides. mid screen do 236D to follow up, in corner can follow up with normal combos.
after air throw timing for follow up attacks more strict

Ouroboros start up and move speed slowed (although it really feel like there's no difference)
Ouroboros gauge takes longer to recover
5B level reduced. If 5B>3C is not inputted with the fastest timing it won't combo.

parry cancel gone
5B faster start-up, can jump cancel even on block.

cannot block or crouch in wolf form. cannot switch directions.


Valkenhayn / Odp: Valkenhayn Valkenhayn VALKENHAYN!
« dnia: Wrzesień 09, 2010, 17:02:20  »
Makoto tez ma comba za 4000+ D:

BlazBlue: CS / CP / Odp: Continuum Shift - temat ogólny
« dnia: Wrzesień 02, 2010, 06:29:06  »
Zapomniales o 2A :|

Strony: [1] 2 3 4