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Mortal Kombat 9 / Odp: Dyskusja ogólna - Mortal Kombat 9
« dnia: Lipiec 15, 2011, 18:44:21  »
Cuda na kiju sie dzis dzialy. Normalnie podbna sytuacja miala miejsce prznyjamniej 3 razy. No zesz ku.......jak tak moze byc!  :))

Mortal Kombat 9 / Odp: Patches - Oficialna lista zmian
« dnia: Lipiec 15, 2011, 17:59:47  »
V 0.144S-234-77c814ec (Xbox 360) / V ?-? (PS3) [update version 1.??] *released 09/23/2011

General Gameplay Fixes/Tweaks

• Fixed a couple of crash scenarios.
• DLC billboards should now behave correctly on Xbox
• You should no longer see online desyncs on Xbox that are related to alternate costumes or classic costume DLC packs.
• MOTD handling and displaying code was tweaked.
• Fixed a bug that could have resulted in tweakvars getting corrupted.
• Fixed a crash in player select if you tried to exit out while the dlc box was open.
• With the exception of Human Cyrax and Human Sektor, everyone’s alternate costumes should behave the same as their primary costumes and have the exact same move properties.
• You can now block after a dash forward is completed if it was cancelled into from a special move. You canceling out of a dash into another dash was normalized for most of the characters. Dash Block canceling remains the same.
• Wakeup attacks should have better invulnerability on them if done in the first 4 frames of the wakeup window. (this was added as a hotfix tweakable value)
• You no longer get a completely free throw attempt after someone blocks your jump punch. The opponent has less block hit frames but chained combos from a jump punch will remain the same.
• There were several reactions that could freeze players just before they landed from attacks and reactions such as Kano’s Airball and Cyrax’s Net air reaction.
• Made many minor hitbox adjustments.
• Tweaked the negative edge window.
• Several low attacks were being parried incorrectly.
• Nightwolf and Kenshi can no longer still absorb a projectile if they get hit out of their enhanced reflects before the recovery frames start.

• Baraka's Blade Spin move starts up faster and is safer when blocked.
• Baraka's Enhanced Blade Charge (Blade Rush) attack goes farther now.
• Baraka’s Chop Chop no longer auto corrects mid-move.

Cyber Subzero
• Cyber Subzero can no longer handcuff certain characters by catching a wakeup attack with his enhanced Ice Parry.

• Cyrax's Buzzsaw is an overhead block and safer when blocked
• Cyrax's Bombs will no longer pop someone up who is in a 2nd Net reaction or in a Buzzsaw reaction.
• Cyrax's mk3 costume should behave the same as the primary costume now.

• Ermac can no longer leave an invisible fireball collision around.
• Fixed damage scaling a few of his reactions.

• All of Jade's Enhanced Boomerangs (Reboomerang) will now return when the first hit is blocked.
• Jade’s Staff Grab is slightly safer when blocked.
• Jade’s U3 attack (Pole Vault) can be ducked.
• Jade’s 4,F3 kick (Polecat) is safer when blocked.

• The armor on Jax's Enhanced Dash Punch (Dash Fist) and X-Ray (Briggs Bash) now starts instantly.
• Added armor to the startup of Jax's Enhanced Elbow (Elite Smash).
• Jax's projectiles (Energy Wave) recover a tiny bit faster.
• Jax’s towards 3 attack (Big Leg) is now an overhead.
• Jax can no longer frame trap someone with his Gotcha Grab.

Johnny Cage
• Johnny Cage's F3,2 (Take Two) no longer true combos into 2in1’d special moves
• Johnny Cage's Nut Punch does slightly less damage.

• Kabal can no longer leave an invisible fireball collision around.
• Removed a couple unavoidable block traps with Kabal. (with F2 and 4)

• If you don’t charge and hold the Enhanced Kano Ball it will now keep its armor.
• Kano’s Knife Toss recovers slightly faster.

• Kitana's Fan reactions on an airborne opponent damage scale correctly now.
• Kitana's X-Ray (Fan-Tastic) can no longer be reflected.

Kung Lao
• Removed the pushback on Kunglao's spin when blocked.
• Ground Hat now leaves both players at neutral when hit close and leaves Kung Lao at a disadvantage when blocked up close.
• Kung Lao's overhead hat attack is slightly safer when blocked.

Liu Kang
• Lui Kang's Parry now can correctly give a first hit bonus!

• Nightwolf's reflect should work better as a wakeup attack.

• Noob's Teleport Slam should connect better with some opponents.
• Noob should no longer be hit on the ground after he is up in the air for his teleport.
• Noob’s Shadow Charge hits overhead.

Quan Chi
• Fixed an isse where Quan Chi's Skull Projectile (Skull Ball) could sometimes become invisible.
• Added some armor to the Quan Chi’s Enhanced Sky Drop (Sky Stomp).

• Raiden can no longer unavoidably frame trap someone with his Vicinity Blast.
• Raiden has 2 additional recovery frames on his normal Teleport.
• Raiden can’t be hit during his Enhanced Teleport (Sparkport).

• Reptile whiffed Elbow Dash now builds slightly less meter.
• Reptile is held slightly longer after knocking someone down with the Elbow Dash.
• A blocked Reptile Elbow Dash no longer pushes back.
• Reptile's Enhanced Slide (Slime Trail) now has armor on it.
• Reptile can no longer leave an invisible Forceball collision around.

• Scorpion's Leg Takedown is safer when blocked.
• Scorpion's Enhanced Leg Takedown (Takeout) now has armor on it.

• Sektor can now 2in1 into the front and behind Up Missiles
• Sektor's mk3 outfit should behave the same as the primary costume
• Sektor's backjets will no longer get stuck firing, wasting precious fuel. (Yay!)
• Sektor’s X-Ray (Massive Missile) can no longer be reflected.

Shang Tsung
• The armor on Shang’s Enhanced Soul Steal now starts instantly
• Shang Tsung’s Enhanced Soul Steal (Soul Capture) activates faster.

• Sheeva's Fireball is a mid block now and the Enhanced Fireball (Fire Blast) is an overhead.
• Sheeva's Ground Pound can correctly give a first hit bonus!
• Sheeva's Enhanced Jump Stomp (Jump Crush) now has armor on it.
• Sheeva's Air Grab has better anti-air collision on it.

• Sindel can no longer leave behind an invisible fireball collision around.
• Sindel’s B1 attack is a low block.
• Sindel's Enhanced Scream is slightly faster now.
• Sindel’s Scream (Yell) can no longer be parried.

• It’s no longer possible to handcuff opponents with Smoke’s Vibration (Shake) Parry.

• The armor on Sonya's cartwheel (Krazy Legs) lasts until the first collision and Archkick's (Arc Wave) armor lasts until her arch is almost over.
• Sonya's 1,1,4 (Fierce Assault) no longer true combos into 2in1’d special moves from it.
• Sonya's 3,1,4 (Beat Up) no longer true combos into 2in1’d special moves from it.

• Stryker's Enhanced Baton (Baton Bash) Sweep’s 2nd hit is an overhead and is safer when blocked.
• Stryker's Grenades recover slightly faster.
• Stryker's Baton Roll starts up faster and the enhanced version has armor on it for a longer time.
• Stryker's Grenade Toss and Baton Sweep do slightly more damage.
• Stryker’s B1,2,2 (Beatdown) combo is safer when blocked.

Sub Zero
• Fixed some of the Ground Freeze reaction properties which were causing some other gameplay issues.
• Sub Zero's Enhanced Slide (Power Slide) now has armor.
• The opponent is frozen for 10 additional frames to allow him to at least get a slide in for some trade cases were he could get nothing before.

Freddy Krueger
• Freddy’s Nightmare Stance can’t be repeated instantly anymore.
• Fixed a bug where Freddy could get stuck being immune to projectiles.
• Freddy forward and backward Teleports (Hell Shift) build slightly less meter.
• Some of Freddy reactions were not damage scaling correctly.
• Tweaked the recovery on some of Freddy specials.

• Kenshi’s X-Ray (Soul Blade) can no longer be reflected.
• Kenshi is freed up sooner now when he absorbs a projectile with his (Blade Absorb)
• Kenshi’s F2,2,B1 (Absentminded) reaction no longer lets opponents be hit just as they hit the ground.

• Skarlet has an additional 10 frames before she can cancel out of her normal dagger toss.
• Skarlet can no longer 2in1 cancel out of her Slide attack from her Red Dash.
• Skarlet’s back throw now does normal damage.
• Skarlet can do her U3 (Lifting Leg) attack from a dash now.

Mortal Kombat 9 / Mortal Kombat kiedyś i dziś
« dnia: Lipiec 15, 2011, 15:43:15  »
Di: Temat do porównywania starych Mortali do nowego i na odwrót. Fight! Tylko proszę o argumentowanie swoich wypowiedzi zamiast obrzucania się mięsem.

MK1 do MK4 to były popierdółki

Kolego, po pierwsze to offtopujesz. A po drugie to nie lubie i nie toleruje ludzi ktorzy pieprza jak potluczeni na temat w ktorym ich wiedza jest na poziomie "niedzelnego gracza" Jak na gry z tamtego czasu to MK1, MKII, UMK3 byly i sa grywalne nawet poziomie competetive play a co za tym idzie calkiem niezly balance. Jestem bardzo wrazliwy na tego typu komentrze od "MK 2011 fanow".
Chcesz to ciagnac - my pleasure, ale nie tutaj.

Mortal Kombat 9 / Patches - Oficialna lista zmian
« dnia: Lipiec 15, 2011, 02:13:58  »
Ver. 0.127S-208-FD2E2ECD (Xbox 360) / Ver 0.127S-208-FD2E2ECD (PS3) *released 4/19/2011

 • Reduced the life gained on Shang Tsung’s throws.
 • Raised the damage scaling on Shang Tsung’s ground fireballs.
 • Adjusted Kratos’ damage scaling.
 • Temporarily adjusted how long Quan Chi is held for after hitting someone with his trance move and also adjusted the reaction recovery time. This was to prevent an easy infinite loop.
 • Temporarily removed some of Sindel’s 2in1 cancels to prevent some easy infinite loops.
 • Temporarily increased the time before Cyrax can throw another net after connecting with one to prevent an infinite loop.
 • Increased the damage scaling after several popup reactions.

 Ver. 0.127S-208-FD70F4B3 (Xbox 360) / Ver. 0.127S-208- A0FAD3CF (PS3) *released 5/20/2011

 • Reduced some of Kung Lao’s combo and overall damage.
 • Reduced the damage on some special moves.
 • Increased the damage scaling after Kitana’s Enhanced ground fan toss.
 • Adjusted some juggle’s damage scaling.
 • Reduced the damage on some basic combos that were doing too much damage without using any meter.
 • Increased Sheeva’s damage output for several of her moves and attacks.
 • Temporarily Changed around some of Sonya’s fighting style properties to reduce her ability to lock someone down in block stun.
 • Changed Kano’s Towards Front Kick to a low block.
 • Reduced the recovery on Kano’s Upball to be closer to Johnny Cage’s Flip Kick recovery.
 • Increased the damage of some of Baraka’s special moves and attacks.
 • It is easier to juggle combo after hitting someone with Baraka’s chopchop on the ground.
 • Increased the damage scaling on a frozen opponent.
 • Baraka’s Away Front Kick, Front Punch combo is now a true popup.


V 138S-228 (Xbox 360) / V 138S-228 (PS3) [update version 1.02] *released 06/10/2011

 General Gameplay Fixes/Tweaks
 • Changes to ranked and unranked auto matchmaking to help reduce the amount of time it takes to find a match and to more reliably match players of similar skill
 • Tweaked in game peer to peer data transmissions for smoother gameplay.
 • Opponent would sometimes play air reactions instead of ground reactions if attacker performed a combo initiated from a jump in punch that was blocked.
 • Adjusted a few knocked down reactions that were missing knocked down states in them resulted in OTG windows.
 • Fixed instances where some fighter’s Combo Breakers could be punished with wake up attacks if performed near the corner.
 • Fixed some near 100% damage combos involving some Tag Assists
 • Gravity adjustments on some air reactions to reduce the amount of unintended repeated hits in the corner for some fighters.
 • Adjusted damage scaling for several reactions to reduce some fighter’s ability to land very large damage off of meterless combos.
 • Added a tweakable switch to turn on the ability to throw escape when thrown while blocking (this is currently still set to off!)
 • Fixed a bug where tagged in partners would sometimes come in from the wrong side of the play field.
 • Fixed issue where some fighters could move after defeating an opponent in the first round after an X-Ray.
 • Fixed an issue where sometimes the secret ladder fight characters would show up as the wrong color.
 • All turnaround attacks now chain into their correct combos.
 • Cleaned up some tag-ins and assists that were coming from the wrong side of the playfield.

 • Adjusted the air reaction to the chop chop blades to allow for juggle opportunities afterwards

 Cyber Sub-Zero
 • Tightened the input window for his mid bomb.
 • Added a tweakable switch to turn on the ability for his bombs to freeze opponents in reacting states (this is currently still set to off!)
 • Fixed an exploit where Cyber could remain in active parry state after a successful parry

 • Added additional 2-in-1 options to some of Cyrax’s strings
 • Cyrax’s Away+FP Command Grab has had its escape frame window widened to match the escape window of other throws
 • Adjusted some reactions that resulted in completely unavoidable bomb popup scenarios
 • Reduced the time after Cyrax has hit an opponent with a net before he can shoot another one
 • Cyrax’s enhanced upkick no longer auto-faces during its attack
 • Fixed an infinite loop involving Cyrax’s Net

 • Ermac can no longer true combo 2-in-1 from the last hit of the BP, BP string
 • Ermac’s enhanced fireball now correctly costs meter when done from a 2-in-1
 • Increased the damage scaling on a lifted opponent
 • Fixed a bug where Ermac would occasionally shoot out an invisible fireball
 • Slightly increased the recovery frames on a blocked or missed force push

 • Added a few frames of armor to the beginning of her Enhanced shadow kick
 • Added a few frames of armor to the beginning of her Enhanced staff overhead
 • Fixed a case where sometimes when defeating the first opponent in a tag match with Jade’s throw the incoming partner could land a free hit

 • Added a few frames of armor to the beginning of the Enhanced Dash Punch
 • Lowered the amount of meter gained for doing ground pounds
 • Jax can now dash cancel out of any of his ground pounds
 • The enhanced dash punch is slightly faster and goes farther
 • The promove 6th slam of the quad-slam does 1% addition damage now!
 • Jax’s X-Ray attack has super armor on it until the collision is over

 Johnny Cage
 • Added a few frames of armor to the beginning of the Enhanced Shadow Kick
 • Fixed an exploit where Cage could remain in active parry state after a successful X-Ray

 • Removed a block infinite resulting from repeated blocked Down+FK’s into Cancelled Dash’s
 • Removed a block infinite resulting from repeated blocked Back+BK, FP’s into Cancelled Dash’s
 • Kabal’s air fireballs hitting a wall no longer add damage scaling to a stationary opponent
 • Fixed a bug where repeated Kabal air fireballs would sometimes be invisible

 • Kano’s alternate costume should now correctly play his Victory cinema
 • Kano’s alternate baby should now show up in his Babality correctly
 • Kano can now jump in punch chain into his Towards+FP combos
 • Kano’s enhanced choke grab now requires the correct buttons when done as a wakeup attack
 • Added a few frames of armor to the beginning of the Enhanced Kano Ball (he loses the armor if he charges the ball)
 • Kano’s X-Ray attack has super armor on it until the collision is over
 • Fixed a case where sometimes when defeating the first opponent in a tag match with Kano’s throw the incoming partner could land a free hit

 • Increased the damage scaling applied after Kitana’s Enhanced Fan cancel opportunities

 Kung Lao
 • Gameplay adjustments to the Spin to make it not quite so dominant in exchanges
 • Kung Lao’s Spin is now slightly easier to punish on block
 • Reduced number of Dive Kicks that can be performed in a single juggle combo
 • Player can now block while being staggered by his enhanced hat toss
 • Kung Lao no longer has advantage on a blocked overhead punch from his teleport
 • Fixed a bug where Kung Lao could retain his armor from an enhanced teleport

 Liu Kang
 • Fixed instances of being able to OTG from Liu Kang’s X-Ray, forcing the opponent into a standing reaction
 • The first hit of Liu Kang’s FP, FP, FP string will more reliably hit from a cross up jump in punch if Liu Kang is in flip stance
 • Fixed it so you do not get stuck in his Dragon Stance if you hit the flip stance button during it
 • Added a few frames of armor to the beginning of the Enhanced Bicycle Kick
 • Added a few frames of armor to the beginning of the Enhanced Flying Kick
 • The Bicycle Kick now does the correct amount of damage and hits no meter which hit of the attack frames hit
 • Fixed a case where sometimes when defeating the first opponent in a tag match with Liu Kang’s throw the incoming partner could land a free hit
 • Fixed an exploit where Liu Kang could remain in active parry state after a successful parry

 • Added a few frames of armor to the beginning of the Enhanced Shoulder
 • Added a few frames of armor to the beginning of the Enhanced choke grab
 • Nightwolf’s Axe uppercut effect and collision now always goes in the correct direction if the opponent gets on the other side of him after he has started it
 • Nightwolf is no longer punished for throwing certain characters

 • Fixed Mileena’s uppercut recovery when she remains ducking after landing it
 • Fixed case where sometimes when defeating the first opponent in a tag match with Mileena’s throw the incoming partner could land a free hit

 • Fixed instances where Noob’s Breaker could cause damage
 • Noob can now 2-in-1 into all 3 versions of the Blackhole
 • Noob recovers slightly faster after throwing the blackhole
 • Fixed a camera glitch after a successful teleport grab
 • Fixed a case where sometimes when defeating the first opponent in a tag match with Noob’s throw the incoming partner could land a free hit

 Quan Chi
 • Fixed an exploit allowing Quan Chi’s Trance and Buff special attacks while the opponent was tranced
 • Slightly reduced Quan Chi’s advantage after sky drop hit
 • Quan Chi recovers faster after a successful Trance
 • Fixed an infinite loop involving Quan Chi’s Trance

 • Adjusted the blocked Superman ball off reaction to allow for easier punishment
 • Away+FK, FP, BP is no longer advantage on block
 • FK, FK, BK’s recovery when blocked is slightly adjusted
 • Raiden’s has slightly less advantage after doing his Towards+FK, 2-in-1 into a teleport
 • Slightly increased the recovery on a missed Raiden air superman fly
 • The active frames on Raiden’s superman fly start slightly later

 • Fixed a rare facing issue that would sometimes cause Reptile’s X-Ray to attack in the wrong direction
 • Fixed an issue with the collision on Reptile’s X-Ray that will fix some inconstancies with it landing in specific instances

 • Scorpion can no longer be punished by breaking an opponent’s combo near a wall
 • Fixed that sometimes when defeating the first opponent in a tag match with Scorpion’s throw resulted in a free hit for the incoming tag partner

 • Fixed a facing issue with Sektor’s Up+FK attack that should allow it to land more reliably during kombat
 • Sektor can no longer be punished by breaking an opponent’s combo near a wall

 Shang Tsung
 • Fixed an issue where Shang Tsung’s turnaround FK would perform a punch instead of the intended kick
 • Fixed an issue where Shang Tsung’s Upward Fireball would track an opponent that had jumped over him well after the windup on the attack had begun
 • Shang Tsung can no longer be punished by breaking an opponent’s combo near a wall

 • Sindel can now 2-in-1 into her specials from her FK and her Towards+FK
 • Fixed an infinite loop involving Sindel’s Scream

 • Added a few frames of armor to the beginning of the Enhanced grab n punch
 • Added a few frames of armor to the beginning of the Enhanced air grab
 • Added a few frames of armor to the beginning of the Enhanced fireball
 • Sheeva’s X-Ray now works against opponents with armor on
 • Sheeva has a new Towards+FK, Away+FP combo

 • Closed the small window that allowed for a free Smoke Bomb after a successful air throw
 • Fixed an issue with Smoke’s Throw Escape that allowed it to be punished if successful in some instances
 • Reduced the damage scaling after a Smoke Bomb popup
 • Smoke’s enhanced Smoke Bomb can now hit grounded opponents (doesn’t popup) for unscaled damage.
 • Smoke recovers slightly faster after a missed air teleport
 • Fixed an exploit where Smoke could remain in active parry state after a successful parry

 • Reverted some of Sonya’s temporary fighting style adjustments
 • Fixed it so you do not get stuck in her Soldier Stance if you hit the flip stance button during it
 • Sonya can no longer be punished by some characters for landing her X-Ray near a corner
 • Increased the armor time on her Arch Kick and Cartwheel

 • Stryker can no longer be punished by some characters for landing his X-Ray near a corner

 • Fixed a window where an opponent frozen near the ground could get stuck and wouldn’t recover from the reaction
 • Sub-Zero can no longer be punished by breaking an opponent’s combo near a wall
 • Fixed that sometimes when defeating the first opponent in a tag match with Sub-Zero’s throw resulted in a free hit for the incoming tag partner

V 138S-228-CA8BD927 (Xbox 360) / V 138S-228-0B72802D (PS3) *released 6/21/2011

 • Slightly increased the startup on Kano’s up ball. (2 frames)
 • Slightly increased the recovery frames on a blocked/missed Kano up ball. (6 frames)
 • Slightly increased the recovery frames on Kano's knive Toss (2 frames)
 • Removed a loop-able combo with Kung Lao’s teleport.
 • Improved Quan Chi’s Ground Burst startup and recovery to be more useful in regular gameplay.

 V 140S-230 (PS3 only) *released 7/07/2011

 • Addresses online desync issues related to classic costume dlc packs.


 For Xbox 360:
 In order to fix the desynchronization errors on the Xbox 360, you must manually re-download the Klassic Kostume DLC files from the Xbox Live Marketplace. Re-downloading the Klassic Skins Pack will not fix the problem. You must re-download the original pre-order skin(s). Instructions for re-downloading:

 1. Hit the guide button (XBox Logo button on controller)
 2. Go to the right to the tab labelled "Settings"
 3. Select "Account Management"
 4. Select "Download History"
 5. Select the pre-order DLC you wish to re-download.
 6. Choose "download again"

Kabal / Odp: Kabal strategy
« dnia: Lipiec 13, 2011, 20:11:38  »
Nie wiem stary, probowalem z lp i dupa, tez mi jakos szybko siada. Musial bym zobaczyc bo tak nic nie wymysle. Po za tym okno po bucie z kulka na JS jest baaardzo male i obawiam, ze online nie sprawdzi sie. Kolejna sprawa moze jakos imput jest inaczej czy cos. Ja robilem patrzac na te video z Cyraxem i no jestem przekonany na 90%, ze to bylo mozliwe wczesniej - poprostu jakby sie zmienila grawitacja postaci po drugim podbiciu.

No ja tej rozmowy nie widzalem wiec sie nie orientuje, ale jak widzisz nie jest to takie trudne jak sie by wydawalo. sztuka dobrze zasadzic kolanko a reszta juz pozniej idzie latwo - no powiedzmy, ze przy lagach te 3x ba,2,1 moze nam spi****lic po drodze, ale ogolnie Dla mnie spoko finisher. Ani nie widzalem online ani na jakis tam filmikach. Na poczatku wydawalo mi sie, ze moze byc nie praktyczne w grze, ale jednak daje rade. Jak dla mnie to bede cioral az po pijaku bede wsadzal kolanko przynajmniej 9/10.

Kabal / Odp: Kabal strategy
« dnia: Lipiec 13, 2011, 16:35:58  »
Video #1 to pierwszy raz na oczy widze. Szanse, ze posadzisz 2 jugglestartery sa male a roznica 2% i jeden pasek w plecy - jak Dla mnie c***owy trade. Po za tym tak jak mowisz moze to byc z 1.0

Co do video #2/3 Nawet jesli jest do wykonania to nie ma bata zeby tyle sciagalo na obecna chwile.

Niestety wstyd mi sie przyznac, ale buciorka z kulka w powietrzu nie posadze. Tak, ze Combosy z kick+AGB u mnie odpadaja.
Po za tym tak na dobra sprawe nie sa mi potrzebne. Kombo ktore zaprezentowalem wyzej wchodzi mi 7/10 i to po nie calych 24h, ale przyznam, ze wroce do laba i pokatuje troche ten kick+AGB.

Okej, przetestowalem to i tak wychodzi mi jp, njp, JK+AGB, JS, JK+AGB i w tym etapie postac spada tak szybko, ze nie idzie wsadzic kolanka - szybciej niz na prezentowanym video (Cyrax). Zwroc uwage jak on powoli opada. Jest wystarczajace okno na wsadzenie kolana. Jak kilka razy uda Ci sie dojsc do drugiego JK+AGB to zobaczysz roznice w opadaniu.

Co do zamiany "kolanka nad ziemia" wpisac OTG to nie glupi pomysl.

Kabal / Odp: Kabal strategy
« dnia: Lipiec 13, 2011, 02:25:16  »
Corner Combo:

jp,b1, 2, 1, njp, 2, 2, f4, spin, jp, b1, 2, 1, b1, 2, 1, b1, 2, 1, f4, db2

43% bez paska.

Kolanko sadzimy OTG, inaczej reszta nie wejdzie.
Trudne, ale do wykonania - rowniez online.
Found by me  ;D

Rain / Odp: Rain - Dyskusja Ogólna
« dnia: Lipiec 11, 2011, 19:35:49  »
Jesli chodzi o DLC, to posiadam komplet na obecna chwile i chetnie sie wymienie na Raina.

A co do postaci to podobnie jak kowalowi mi tez przypadl do gustu. Mi tam pasi, ze pozostawili jego sztuczki z MKT.

Smoke / Odp: Smoke - Dyskusja Ogólna
« dnia: Lipiec 10, 2011, 14:31:50  »
Okej, to mialo by sens... ;]

Smoke / Odp: Smoke - Dyskusja Ogólna
« dnia: Lipiec 09, 2011, 21:53:29  »
Ekm, zaobserwowalem cos bardzo ciekawego dzis grajac sobie podczas drabinki. Mianowicie sluchajcie Smoke MKII ma OTG po jk throwie!!

Nie wiem tylko na czym traci, musi byc jakis trade zapewne. Sprawdzie sami.

Ktos juz to odkryl pare dni temu:

Rain / Odp: Rain - Dyskusja Ogólna
« dnia: Lipiec 09, 2011, 15:17:42  »
Nie wiem jak wy, ale moja ciekawosc i oczekiwania sa wielke. Rain byl postacia ktora sie gralo naprawde przyjemnie. Najciekawszym ciosem byl jego RH ktory sprawial, ze przeciwnik wylatywal z drugiej strony ekranu dzieki czemu mozna bylo sadzic juggle. Yet uznawany za postac strasznie nie zbalansowana ze wzgledu na latwe infinity. Jako, ze jest postac DLC mam nadzieje, ze bedzie co niajmniej rownie ciekawa jak Kenshi ktory prezentuje sie lepiej niz kiedy kolwiek.

Rain / Rain - Dyskusja Ogólna
« dnia: Lipiec 09, 2011, 15:11:24  »

Mortal Kombat 9 / Odp: Dyskusja ogólna - Mortal Kombat 9
« dnia: Lipiec 09, 2011, 15:06:15  »
Jak juz mowa o systemie rankingowym to mogli by chociaz przyblizyc go do tego ktory mamy w SSFIV. Tych statystyk nie mozna brac na powaznie.

Mortal Kombat 9 / Odp: Dyskusja ogólna - Mortal Kombat 9
« dnia: Lipiec 07, 2011, 00:17:00  »
Mam propozycje - ja na obecna chwile posiadam costume pack i chcialbym sie z kims wymienic na Kenshiego.
Z tego co mi wiadomo dalej mozna sie wymieniac.

Mortal Kombat 9 / Odp: MK9 - Video
« dnia: Lipiec 06, 2011, 15:45:46  »
Scarlet in Guile tones!

Somersault Strike!
Long live Guile! R.I.P Charlie

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