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Wiadomości - Aris

Strony: [1]
International Area / Odp: Hi all!!!!!
« dnia: Styczeń 23, 2013, 01:05:59  »
Thanx guys for your replies. I'm looking forward for this event really. Aenica has won many tekken tournaments over the years in greece and abroad he was also at the top 4 at evolution but i dont remember the year. He won the absolution 2006 i think also and he was also really hard opponent at cvs2 he played in france and greek tournaments more details about his legend when we meet each other :)
My main chars in sf4 are guile and dictator  and at cvs2  n groove  akuma ,iori,sagat   and also c groove guile,rugal sagat with also some other chars changing. By the first chance i will ask you guys for any kind of local meeting in order to come by train some weekend.      https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=ultima+vs+aris        these are some old matches from our cvs2 scene just a taste unfortunately we haven't recorded any sf4 matches thought we had some ran bats somewhere on youtube but i cannot remember these video names and they're kinda old videos.  Right now the scene in Greece is like 5 -6 good sf4 players and we had a really strong scene in mortal combat with hidan and some other guys. Also now with tekken tag 2 my buddies are training for the world game cup in france. There is also a possibility of some tekken players coming this summer here for vacations and see me so maybe we can arrange and a tekken gathering. generally our games in greece were by the years    TTT,T4,cvs2,MK9,and about TTT2 we'll see.  I've heard that you have a really strong competition on tekken but unfortunately i'm not playing anymore the game. Aenica had told me back soe years about 2 brothers also julia player the one i think his name was  matt. Enlightenment me pls.

International Area / Odp: Hi all!!!!!
« dnia: Styczeń 22, 2013, 22:59:35  »
:) :) :) Of course i know Aenica he is a good friend of mine and we have played really countless times and games against each other on cvs2 and many other games but mostly cvs2 in Greece we had among with France the best cvs2 scene in Europe we were and some guys are still in deep love with the game.There are many videos on youtube from me ultima from austria maybe the best a groove in europe delivery boy aenica grand lethal and snake (a p groove player from greece) i know you have the same nick, what a coincidence hahaha. Unfortunatelly Aenica does not playing any more except a bit sf X tekken i think,i dont know if he will change his mind and try some other game in the future. Now i'm playing only sf4 and when i have the people cvs2 of course :) but i'm willing to play any other game.  Of course i will be here in march and of course i will come to this event i cant wait for it to be honest. The problem is that i don't know where this place is but i guess till march i'll be able to find it. I was playing and gg also but nothing really intersting.     Btw how do you know aenica?? You met each other in some big tourney the previous years??

International Area / Hi all!!!!!
« dnia: Styczeń 22, 2013, 13:15:26  »
Hi guys it's my fourth time in Poland and this time i will be here i guess for a long time. I'm from Greece my nickname is Aris and my original name is Manolis. I'm playing many years fighting games especially cvs2, nowdays street fighter 4 and i used to be a tekken player,street fighter alpha series and many more. I'm a member of the greek fighting games community called greekdojo,and i would like to know if there will be some major or local tournament here in poland and also if you have something like a meeting point,in order to play games cause i would really like to meet you guys in order to play and talk to each other.   I'm living in katowice so i hope somewhere near there will be some players to have some matches and speak about the games. Thanks in advance for your time.    :)

Strony: [1]