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Forum / Odp: Wasze sugestie DOTYCZĄCE FORUM
« dnia: Sierpień 25, 2017, 17:05:18  »
di wylacz w koncu cenzure i tak nikt tu nie wchodzi

Pierwszy w historii piwo/monster mecz w mvc3 :banderas:

O sumy wieksze niz 20 co najmniej ft15, jak pasuje to przyjmuje.

Z Tobą mogę 20-30

Z Tobą to 5-10 zł :p

To ja jeszcze ogłoszę:
- Turniej SSBM 1v1, Sobota, 15:00
- Turniej VSav, Sobota, 21:00
- Przyjmuję zgłoszenia na moneje w UMvC3 lub A2 w piątek

Turnieje, zloty, spotkania / Odp: Bursa XX - Ankieta
« dnia: Styczeń 29, 2017, 13:00:38  »
Jak nie bedzie smasha to nie przyjezdzam :kot3:

W ogole Melee czy 4 w tym roku?

Forum / Odp: Emotikony - zgłoszenia i komentarze
« dnia: Październik 07, 2016, 21:46:04  »

Mniej rozpikselizowana wersja.

Forum / Odp: Emotikony - zgłoszenia i komentarze
« dnia: Październik 07, 2016, 21:24:22  »



Warriors! Bursa continues!

Bursa is fighting games, drinking and passing out at 6am, just to wake up few hours later because your pool starts. Bursa is also a Polish fighting game community-ran rally. We meet for a weekend, rent the venue, bring consoles and play. No sponsors, no prize money - we fight for honor, we put pride on the line.

When, where and what

Bursa XIX, as all previous, will be held at a school dormitory in Włocławek, Poland. This time we're running it during EVO (July 15-18). We start around 18:00 on friday and finish at 6:00 on monday. We play mostly on PS3s and PS4s, little to none X360s. None of the tournaments will include pot money. Bursa itself does have an entry fee, varying around 5-10 euros, depending on how many players attend (this is only so that we can cover the venue costs). Staying at the venue for the night is advised - you can rent a bedroom for about 7 euros per night. There are several cheap shops nearby and a 24h restaurant, as well as snack-selling vending machines inside the venue. Alcohol beverages inside the venue are allowed.

Little background

Bursa started as a GG players rally and later converted to a general 2D fighting games meetup. It is our main event dedicated to 2D fighting games, and as such happens twice a year. Since it started as a rally, the tournaments where held for fun and not for hardcore competition, but as Bursa became one of the only consistently run each year tournaments, the tourney results became a merit of who’s the best at 2D fighters.

The meeting keeps growing every year - we had international guests, tournaments organized by other communities, some pretty genuine hype and even live streaming. But at it’s heart, Bursa stayed the same happy event, where you can show up to your tournament completely wasted and no one will judge you for it (it is not advised though).


Of course in this edition the main focus will be watching EVO, but on the off-hours we might organize tournaments in whichever games anyone feels like TOing for. As long as you want to take on the responsibility, you can set up a tournament or exhibition match of your own. Just keep in mind that consoles we play on are consoles brought by community members, so they don’t all have every fighting game installed and most of them don’t have DLCs.


Włocławek isn’t the biggest of cities, so once you get there, the rest should be easy. For getting to the city I recommend trains and PolskiBus. After you arrive, get to the taxi station just in front of train station and tell the driver to get you to “Boorsa mehanicoof”, it shouldn’t cost more than 5 euros. If anyone actually wants to come to Bursa and worries he might get lost while travelling, post here or PM me and I’ll try to get some pictures, tips and more precise description of how to get there.

Turnieje, zloty, spotkania / Odp: Bursa XIX - BURSEVO - Ankieta
« dnia: Kwiecień 11, 2016, 18:30:18  »
Oczywiście do poniedziałku inaczej bez sensu.

Ogłoś odpowiednio wcześnie to wrzucę na Discorda, przyjedzie cała europa środkowschodnia i wło będzie wrzeć.

Strona / Odp: Backdash: Resurrection?
« dnia: Marzec 21, 2016, 16:16:49  »
Nie wiem na ile jest sens dzielenia się kanałem, jeśli chcemy mieć brand "polskie FGC" to nie lepiej stworzyć grupę streamerów jak https://www.twitch.tv/team/fgcpros i dodawac do niej chetnych?

Strona / Odp: Backdash: Resurrection?
« dnia: Marzec 20, 2016, 13:18:53  »
Na szałtboksie ktoś pisał coś o proofreadowaniu, z tym mogę pomóc (do przeklejania newsów z eh mam 0 pasji, a nie bardzo wiem o czym innym mógłbym pisać).

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