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Wiadomości - 7ayat

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Turnieje, zloty, spotkania / Odp: Bursa XIX - BURSEVO - Ankieta
« dnia: Maj 19, 2016, 04:01:28  »
Sounds awesome I'm in. Especially with Polish Shisha  :cool:

To players interested, I will be opening my place for training and casual sessions at my place. It's an awesome opportunity to all level up offline together.

Time will be held after tournament ends, to those able it would be great to see you.

If anyone wants to bring more setups it would help, I have one setup  on PS4 and one spare TV.

Msg me on backdash for number and address.

Time: Around 9.30pm

Turnieje, zloty, spotkania / Odp: Bursa XIV - Ambicja Czterech Gier
« dnia: Marzec 05, 2013, 18:21:42  »
I am chill. Like, do you even lift? Anyway statement still true for Spring bursa, and waseda style is really for 2v2. Pokemon style ftw.

Turnieje, zloty, spotkania / Odp: Bursa XIV - Ambicja Czterech Gier
« dnia: Marzec 05, 2013, 13:21:33  »
Who the hell does round robin anymore, and a 'little' more time consuming? Last time tournaments ran until 2-3am, so let's try to save on time and do what the world does too as an established standard? I'm for it but pokemon style.

Officially going, hope more of you can make it!

International Area / Odp: Hi all!!!!!
« dnia: Luty 04, 2013, 00:51:31  »
Welcome to Poland Aris! I'm pretty much in the same situation as you, except I come from Kuwait with a strong background in Guilty Gear/UMVC3/SF4/Super Turbo/SFxT. I dabbled a bit in CVS2 (wonderful game) but unfortunately I played it way after the scene for that game died. If you're ever in Warsaw it'd be cool to play with you, and if you decide to go to Bursa I might see you there. Alternatively if you brought your Xbox (hopefully, since PS3 is worse for online than Xbox) we can play SF4/SFxT online (UMVC3 doesn't have good netcode like the other games) or even HD Remix! Take care and hope you enjoy it here!

Turnieje, zloty, spotkania / Odp: Bursa XIV - Ambicja Czterech Gier
« dnia: Luty 02, 2013, 10:50:49  »
I might go, your FGC seems to be dying I'll try to revive you guys.

I've got a question.
Is Marvel only team tournament, or there will be solo?

There is solo for Marvel http://worldgamecup.basgrospoing.fr/2011/11/15/ultimate-marvel-vs-capcom-3-solo/ also you can find great prices for flights on kayak.com from $220 to go to cannes is pretty good!

Remove me from the list of participants please. Things came up and I can't go. Best of luck to you guys, and further on in Paris!

Seriously guys, as happy as I'm glad maddest beat me and he's the strongest in Poland, he'd be eaten for breakfast in Kuwait. Not joking, not taunting, simply the truth. To get on to skill level, Ryan Hart was in the arcades a lot in Japan, and he did well against our top players with his unorthodox Sagat. The guy is legitimately skilled and knows how to play + London have an active SF scene (with arcade) with great players. Also French players themselves have an active SF scene and have two arcades or something? Know what you're up against. Active scene + strong players + who's proven themself at home and abroad. WE do not have this, one guy is five hours away from me, the other guy five hours away from me, I cannot even get legit practice of SF4 in Warsaw without online, thankfully somehow my luck went good for UMVC3 and I have Kossak to train with, while this is something you don't even think about in their locations.

However, this doesn't mean 'let's drop our sticks and they're too strong let's not play' go and play and see how we do. We have no idea how we would do. Maybe maddest eat them for breakfast, maybe some other player will do well, we have a golden chance to go for it, simply train your best. But realize what they have and what we lack, and try to make up for it.

I've been here two years, I want to have pride that Poland does something. Go back home and tell them 'look, they're Polish, I've played with them look how good they are!' Best of luck to each of us, I only hope Poland does something to shake it up a bit, now I'll eat my breakfast.  :kappa:

Hi, I'd like to join SSF4 AE, SFxT, and Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3. Too bad there's no Persona or Pro Evo!

Seriously Hayat, wtf is your deal? You speak as if I have never won a well-attended tournament in my country. Well, I have, have you? Should I not take part in this tournament because there were no other top players participating or what? ;] I've never said it was a major win or anything, so there is no need for being sarcastic.

Shout outs to random inputs. <3

Wow I'm shocked my little troll has brought so much  :salt: I think I'll quit while I'm ahead it's too easy. At what point have I ever said you never won a well-attended tourney? Just been a long time for you. And asking me if I won well-attended tournaments in my country? I'll show you the pictures kawaaaiii desu~

How did you like my major top 3 random Blanka Ultras? :kapparyu:

You're Poland's best SF player, aren't you?  :kapparyu:

Congratulations Kossak!  And Snake with that AE Major win with hard brackets  :kappa:

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