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Wiadomości - Markou

Strony: [1]
Street Fighter V / Odp: Lista graczy online w SFV (PSN oraz Steam)
« dnia: Marzec 11, 2016, 14:03:57  »
Master race.

International Area / Odp: Katowice FGC
« dnia: Styczeń 19, 2016, 17:12:42  »

It's not far from Katowice to Kraków and the event is open for everyone despite it being the Polish Championship :).

Thanks for the link. Looks like this is the first event I will participate in! Time to get a PS3 to PS4 converter for my stick  :pogchamp:

International Area / Odp: Katowice FGC
« dnia: Styczeń 07, 2016, 12:06:50  »
Should have added this to the original post: feel free to add me in steam https://steamcommunity.com/id/markouu
Right now Im looking ppl to train against in GG Xrd!

International Area / Odp: Katowice FGC
« dnia: Grudzień 25, 2015, 22:56:45  »
Hey hey, the Cody Player, right? Nice to see you here, we'll probably meet at the nearest SFV tournament :) Also, let me know if you're in Poznań one day :)

Yeah I used to play Cody in USFIV :D Nice to see someone "knows" me here ;P

Thanks for all the replies so far!

International Area / Katowice FGC
« dnia: Grudzień 23, 2015, 22:20:24  »
Dzien Dobry,

Im a gamer nerd from Finland thats going to stay in Katowice for 6 months or so and would like to know if you have any kind of fighting game scene going on around here.

I mostly play USFIV (although havent touched in a long time.. got boring after ultra :P), KoF13 and starting to get into Guilty Gear Xrd now that it came to steam.
So hit me up if you are from the Katowice area and we can get some games in. Also, is there any tournaments held for fighting games here? Anything planned for SFV?

Strony: [1]